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Soft-tissue Release Tools
Soft-tissue release tools can aid in relieving muscle tension and improving recovery. Massage balls target specific trigger points, cupping therapy sets enhance blood flow and release adhesions, and fascia release tools help reduce muscle tightness and improve mobility. By incorporating these tools into your self-care routine, you can enhance muscle function and promote overall relaxation.
What to look for
When selecting soft-tissue release tools, consider their portability and ease of use. Opt for compact and lightweight options that can be easily carried or packed for travel, allowing you to continue your self-massage and muscle release routine wherever you go.

Massage Gun (Hypervolt Mini)


Peanut Massage Ball

Plantar Fascia Spiky Roller Ball

Silicone Cupping Set (4)

Handheld Fascia Release Tool

Deep Tissue Release Tool (Psorite)